Data News


Kit média

Editorial formula

For 40 years, Data News has been the point of reference in Belgium. The journal provides the links between IT applications, technology, IT managers and the end-users in businesses, government bodies, education and IT groups

With its daily newsletter and website, has a strong focus on Belgian news, trends and opinions. This is complemented with dossiers, international coverage, practical case studies and extensive testing of business solutions. The ‘Careers’ section focuses on continuing professional development and interesting career options.   

Data News also brings out 2 guides:

  • Career Guide
  • ICT Guide

The editorial content is under-pinned by some major events: the prestigious Data News Awards for Excellence, the election of the CIO of the Year and She Goes ICT.
Match IT is the job event of Data News where companies can meet potential candidates.

Target audience: people interested in the many aspects of the IT world

Data News is read by IT professionals, including CIOs, general managers, HR and Finance managers.

Key facts

  • Language: Dutch and French
  • Frequency: Monthly
  • Year founded: 1979

  • Editor-in-chief: Kristof Van der Stadt

  • RLP: 87,823

  • Circulation: 24.984 copies (Cim Press Brand Report 2020)

Numéros spéciaux

Fiche technique