Over 50s are bon vivants


Roularta Research organised a small survey on the leisure activities of Knack readers and subscribers. What are their favourite activities during their excursions? Where do they find inspiration?

Walking is a very popular activity, no less than 62% of the over 50s take a walk weekly or even more often in their free time. 45% go for a relaxing bike ride every week. Also during day trips, they like a brisk walk, in the city (71%) and/or in nature (62%). They like to go out to eat in a restaurant or bistro (68%) or visit museums (61%).

Over 50s not only like day trips, but also like escapes that last several days. 47% take a short holiday at least 3 times a year.

Magazines (73%) and the internet (69%) are the main sources of inspiration for respondents. Family and friends also play an important role in the choice of outdoor activities.

Source: Roularta Research, Survey Scheldeland 2018.