REGULATED INFORMATION - Roularta Annual Meeting

17 mai 2023


Listed Roularta Media Group ratified in the general meeting the co-optation of P.Company BV, represented by its permanent representative Mrs. Pascale Sioen, and also decided to reappoint NV Alauda, represented by Mr. Francis De Nolf as director. The other items on the agenda of the general and extraordinary meeting were also approved. Furthermore, the intention was announced to enlarge the Board of Directors with a new member as from August, bringing back the number of directors to 9. On the proposal of the reference shareholder Koinon NV, it will be proposed to the general meeting to appoint Mr. William De Nolf (as permanent representative of the NV Cella) as non-executive director.  The board of directors is of the opinion that William De Nolf, with his in Roularta accumulated knowledge of IT and know-how in digitalization, will provide added value in the deliberations and decision-making within the board of directors.

Following the general meeting, the outlook for 2023, as communicated following the press release on the 2022 figures, was also confirmed.  The first figures for 2023 confirm the expected pressure on advertising revenues and this given the uncertain economic context and increasing costs faced by advertisers.  The current climate of uncertainty and increased costs - which can influence a reader's decision whether or not to take up or renew a subscription - is having an impact on subscription revenues.

Roularta is continuing its increased efforts to attract more digital and family subscriptions, which can help ensure stable and sustainable sales growth. Subscribers to Knack and Trends, Le Vif and Trends-Tendances (with print and digital or "digital only") can read all (30) of the group's magazines via the digital kiosk "My Magazines". They will also have access to all content (every day 24 hours a day) from all editors via the "My Magazines" app or via the web. Loose sales are evolving in line with the trend within the market.  As for travel and event sales, it appears that consumers are making up for lost Corona time.

Increased costs due to inflation in the countries in which Roularta Media Group operates will put further pressure on margins in 2023. However, the group remains committed to efficiency measures.

At this annual general meeting, in line with the proposed resolution, the profit appropriation with the payment of a gross dividend of 1 euro per share was also approved. This amounts to a net dividend of 0.70 euros. The dividend will be payable as of June 1, 2023 (payment date). The share will be quoted ex-dividend as of May 31 (ex date). The record date will be set at May 30, 2023.