Highlights per share

in euros
2022 2021* 2020* 2019* 2018*
Equity - Group's share 19,21 19,59 18,02 18,16 17,75
EBITDA 2,56 3,15 1,53 1,84 0,74
EBIT 0,47 1,09 0,49 0,80 -5,23
Net result attributable to equity holders of RMG 0,65 1,42 0,48 0,87 6,37
Net profit RMG after dilution 0,65 1,41 0,48 0,86 6,35
Gross dividend (paid) 1,00 1,00 - 0,50 5,50
Price/Earnings (P/E) (**) 27,41 13,42 29,32 16,24 2,30
Number of shares at 31/12 13.141.123 13.141.123 13.141.123 13.141.123 13.141.123
Weighted average number of shares 11.766.209 11.719.515 12.399.598 12.545.621 12.541.645
Weighted average number of shares after dilution 11.797.911 11.736.202 12.409.631 12.560.022 12.597.381
Highest closing share price 21,50 19,10 17,00 15,50 25,40
Share price at year-end 17,75 19,00 14,15 14,05 14,65
Market capitalisation in million euros at 31/12 233,3 249,7 186,0 184,6 192,5
Yearly volume in million euros 8,2 9,6 19,1 11,1 15,6
Yearly volume in numbers 434.611 628.872 1.491.456 845.340 753.405

Based on the weighted average number of shares.
(*) Restated for new definition EBITDA - see annual report note 1.
(**) Based on share price 31 december and net result attributable to equity holders of RMG.