

Roularta Business Information

In 2013, Trends Top and EuroDB/B-information became one business unit within Roularta Media Group. Under the brand name, Trends Business Information, we provide high quality information about all Belgian and foreign companies so that you can make the right decisions for your business. We offer a platform that helps businesses get the right information and find out about a company's situation and reputation. Via this platform, you can target your business development, manage sales and carry out financial analyses. You are able to view and extract all the information yourself, with the help of one of our experts or have the information directly integrated in your CRM, accounts or operating systems.

We position ourselves as ‘Belgium’s leading business search company’, the search tool for business towards advertiser (in search for new business), the financial stakeholder (in search for financial analysis on a business), the director (in search for his position in the market).

The strong brand ‘TrendsTop’ continues to edit our successful print specials like TOP Industrie, TOP Bouw, TOP Transport&Logistiek, TOP ICT, TOP HR, TOP Marketing and TOP 5.000, completed with the Trends Gazellengids. A unique combination of information services and communication tools.