PrintRadio and Television
In 1987 VTM (The Flemish Television Company) was founded in response to the cable decree that ended the monopoly of public broadcasting in Dutch-speaking Belgium. Roularta was one of the 9 founding media groups with 11.1% of the shares. In 1998 Roularta increased its participation to 50% in partnership with De Persgroep (publisher of the newspapers Het Laatste Nieuws and De Morgen) which participated for the other 50%. In the next twenty years, various new TV and radio channels were launched and taken over by the Flemish Media Company. In 2018, Roularta sold its stake to De Persgroep, today called DPG. In 1993, Roularta launched the first regional TV channels in Flanders for the province of West Flanders (Focus and WTV). In the following years, Roularta took the initiative to establish regional channels in other provinces as well. In 2020, Roularta sold its last stake in RMM (WTV / Focus). The advertising management for Ring TV (Flemish Brabant) is further supported.
In 1999, Roularta started the business TV channel Kanaal Z in a joined venture with business newspaper De Tijd.