HR policy in Belgium


In January 2019 Roularta Research conducted a survey on human resources policy in Belgium. 169 managers and employees from the HR department or management gave an insight into their company's HR policy. Half of the respondents (48%) work in a company with at least 101 employees.

HR in Belgium faces various challenges. The biggest challenge is filling vacancies. Developing the skills of the company's staff and retaining staff also appear to be common concerns. Here we focus on two challenges:

Challenge 1: Difficulties in filling vacancies

2 out of 3 companies suffer from shortage of labour. Compared to 5 years ago, it is more difficult today to find the specific profiles sought.

Companies solve this problem mainly by training their employees themselves (52%), by using freelancers (37%) or by outsourcing work (33%). Other solutions include working on their own employer image (11%) or using more creative recruitment methods (19%).

Challenge 2: Digitisation

Digitisation is making a fast rise in all sectors, also in the HR sector. Only 1 out of 5 respondents says that their company’s human resources is already highly digitized. In 40% of the companies the employee records have already been digitized.

Would you like to know all the details of this survey? Get in touch with Barbara or Carole.