
In a market under great pressure, Roularta Media Group has scored a great report from the CIM

This gives Roularta plenty of confidence in the strategic approach it has taken with its magazine titles. From a media planning perspective, the paper + digital currency seems to be the most suitable way to get a picture of who magazine readers are. A sample of the results: 

  • De Zondag has confirmed its status as the biggest weekly newspaper. It has stunning range, with almost 1.5 million readers every week.
  • The free lifestyle magazine Steps NL is making strong progress at 13%.
  • Libelle Lekker/Femmes Délices has been included in the study for the first time, and shot straight to first place as the biggest paying, national, monthly magazine that caters to more than 700,000 readers fond of the good life.
  • The Le Vif/L’Express package is performing extremely well: Le Vif/L’Express +9%, Le Vif Weekend +22%, Le Vif Focus +11%. The Knack package has remained stable.
  • Libelle has increased by +9%, Femmes d’Aujourd’hui by as much as +12%. Together, Libelle and Femmes d’Aujourd’hui have 1.2 million readers.
  • Trends/Trends-Tendances has grown by another +5% in its strong business community.

Roularta has received a report for Total Brand that is perhaps even better. The continued digitisation of the magazine titles is clearly paying off. Here are a few striking results for Total Brand:

  • Le Vif/L’Express has the strongest growth among weekly papers, at +67%. Knack is not far behind at +55%.
  • The two Flairs also have a good score, at +63% for the Dutch version and +49% for the French version.
  • Trends/Trends-Tendances is the biggest financial and economic title, with 538,200 total brand users.
  • Libelle Lekker/Femmes Délices is the biggest monthly magazine in print, doubling its coverage to more than 1.5 million thanks to the addition of its digital platform.
  • We see the same doubling in coverage thanks to the digital platform at Data News and Feeling, and Gael is also reaping the first rewards of the digital transition.
  • Last but not least, the Krant van West-Vlaanderen deserves an honourable mention for its digital transition that has increased its digital coverage by 53%; this has also added 60% to its print coverage.

That means that Roularta Media Group has the biggest weekly paper, the biggest monthly magazine and the strongest-growing publication in its portfolio. These results from the CIM are an even more hopeful sign because the growth in sales of subscriptions and loose copies during the Covid period, with the increased coverage this brings, are not included in these results.

To obtain more detailed figures, or those of other currencies, please contact Roularta Research.

CIM NRS 2019-2020 for Roularta Media:

Bodytalk D+FData News D+F, Feeling, Feeling & GAEL, Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, Flair, Flair D, Flair F, Focus VifGAELKnack Focus & Focus VifKnack Weekend & Le Vif WeekendKnack & Le Vif/L'ExpressKnack FocusKnack WeekendKnack, La Maison VictorLe Vif WeekendLe Vif/L'Express, Libelle, Libelle & Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, Libelle Lekker & Femmes Délices, Libelle & Femmes NestSport/Voetbalmagazine-Sport/Foot magazineTrends / Trends-TendancesTrends Style NL+FRPlus Magazine NL+FRRNews.

CIM NRS 2019-2020 for Roularta Local Media:
De Zondag, Steps, Krant van West-Vlaanderen.