These are the winners of the Belgian Beauty Awards 2021!


On 23/03, the Belgian Beauty Awards 2021, an initiative of Knack/Le Vif Weekend, Feeling/GAEL, Flair N/F and Libelle/Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, were presented. Fourteen beauty products launched in 2020 received an award! 

The Belgian Beauty Awards have been around for over twenty years. They are an initiative of Knack/Le Vif Weekend, Feeling/GAEL, Flair N/F and Libelle/Femmes d'Aujourd'hui. The jury consisted of eight independent beauty journalists and was chaired by Ruth Goossens, editor-in-chief of Knack and Le Vif Weekend. The jury tested all submitted products personally. The editors of each magazine also chose their own favourite product.
Due to Covid, the award ceremony of the Belgian Beauty Awards 2021 and the presentation of the winners were exceptionally online this year. From 24 March onwards the participating magazines will publish in print and online editorial articles about the Belgian Beauty Awards 2021, presenting the winner and the other two nominees per category.