

The cookie policy of Roularta Media Group

Update date 23 August 2022

Roularta Media Group uses online technologies that enable us to improve the user experience for visitors to our websites and applications, so that we can make our online services as interesting as possible for you. This also allows us to learn more about your use of our websites and applications and your preferences and interests. Exactly how we may use this information is up to you through the cookie settings on our websites and applications. The online technologies that collect or store data on your device, such as pixels and cookies, are referred to below as "cookies" for convenience.

At Roularta Media Group, we consider the protection of the privacy of our customers, subscribers, readers, viewers and surfers important. Therefore, we do our utmost in this cookie policy ("Cookie Policy") to explain to you in clear and understandable language which cookies we or our partners use, why we or our partners do so and how you can manage your own cookie settings to control these cookies.

To reach a wider range of advertisers, Roularta Media Group also participates in the IAB Europe (Interactive Advertising Bureau) Transparency & Consent Framework “IAB TCF”) whereby specialised advertising partners deliver and measure (personalised) advertisements and content. Those advertising partners place their own cookies on Roularta domains and thus gain access to the target groups managed by Roularta. We share your permissions through the IAB TCF so they are aware of your preferences. However, we ensure that these partners do not receive any data that would allow them to directly recognise you, such as your name or e-mail address.

Roularta Media Group uses a cookie setting tool which is supported by the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework [ Consent choices ]. This cookie settings tool allows you to choose the purposes for which Roularta Media Group and its partners may place cookies on your device. The list of controllers with whom we work can be found by clicking on [ Consent choices ], and then on "partners".

1. Who is responsible for the use of cookies?

We, Roularta Media Group NV (hereinafter "Roularta"), are responsible for the processing of your personal data. Our registered office is located at Meiboomlaan 33, 8800 Roeselare, registered in the Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen with number 0434.278.896,

2. Where does Roularta use cookies?

Roularta uses cookies on all its websites and applications. These are, among others, the following websites:,,,,,, ... An overview of our digital brands can be found here ( )

3. What are cookies?

During a visit to Roularta websites or applications, cookies and pixels may be used which store information on your device (PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.) or which gain access to information already stored on your device:

  • Cookies are small text files that are stored when you visit and use our websites and applications. Among other things, cookie files contain unique codes that allow the website or application to recognise your browser and, for example, to remember your language preferences or the number of articles you have read.
  • Pixels are (invisible) graphic files contained in a web page or an e-mail.  They are used to gain insight into the use of our websites and applications and when opening and reading our information sent by e-mail. Pixels allow us to keep track of which device visited certain parts of the website, when this happened and from which location (country/city).

When we use the term "cookies" below, we mean both cookies and pixels.

4. Where do these cookies come from?

Roularta makes use of two types of cookies:

  • First party cookies are cookies that are only placed by the Roularta domain. Roularta mainly uses first party cookies to improve the user experience on Roularta websites and applications. They control, amongst others, the technical part of the website and remember certain things about the visitor, such as the language choice, the visited page and the time the visitor spends on the website. Only Roularta has access to the information stored in these cookies.
  • Third party cookies are cookies that are placed or managed by a third party on another domain, and therefore not by Roularta itself. With these cookies, the third party placing the cookie has access to the data contained in the cookie. These are, for example, cookies from advertisers and social media (e.g. Google and Facebook). Through the cookie settings tool on our websites and applications, you can easily manage your preferences regarding these third party cookies. You can therefore choose which third-party cookies may be placed on your device.

5. What cookies do we use and for what purposes?

The cookies placed on our websites and applications can be divided into the following categories:

  • Essential cookies
  • Non-essential cookies
    • Cookies that store and/or access information on a device
    • Personalised content cookies
    • Personalised advertising cookies
    • Social media cookies

Via the cookie settings tool on our websites and applications you can easily manage your preferences in respect of non-essential cookies. For these non-essential cookies, you can choose yourself which cookies and for which purposes Roularta and its partners may place them on your device. This Cookie Policy also gives you a detailed overview per category of all cookies used within those categories.

1) Essential cookies

Essential cookies are necessary for our websites and applications to work properly and be user-friendly, and to enable access to our online services. Without these cookies, our websites and applications cannot work properly. These cookies are therefore always set and do not require your consent. You can therefore not refuse them or turn them off in the cookie settings tool.

These are, for example, cookies that are placed to: 

  • Save your preferences or consent to the use of cookies;
  • Not having to re-enter your user name, password or other data every time;
  • Save your browsing preferences so that you do not have to enter them every time: your language, your region, your subscription, your preferred themes, search preferences, etc;
  • Allow you to navigate our websites and applications smoothly, load web pages faster or enable interactivity with our websites and applications;
  • To enable the detection of errors or misuse and to ensure security;
  • To remember your purchases or information inputs across different web pages or surfing sessions. For example: products added to an order basket, fields filled in in forms;
  • Functionality to give or limit access to paid articles (e.g. this cookie keeps track of whether you are entitled to a free article, gives access to a paid article).

You can consult the list of Essential Cookies here.

2) Non-essential cookies

Your prior consent will always be requested for the installation of these cookies. We do this via the cookie settings tool that appears on your screen when you use one of our online services. You can also withdraw your consent at any time via our cookie settings tool [ Consent choices ], which can be found at the bottom of every page on our websites and applications.

2.1) Cookies that store and/or access information on a device

These cookies are placed for the storage of information or access to information already stored on your device, such as advertising identifiers, equipment identifiers, cookies and similar technologies.

If you do not accept these cookies, the applications described below may no longer function as expected.

2.2) Personalised content cookies

We use these cookies to collect information about, among other things, your activities, interests and visits to our websites or applications. This allows us to tailor the content of our websites, applications and communications to your personal preferences and thus personalise your user experience. The purpose of these cookies is to provide you with information that is as relevant as possible to you. In this way, we can recommend personalised articles, videos, podcasts and newsletters based on your interests and what you have previously read or seen on our websites and applications.

In addition, these cookies measure the performance and effectiveness of our content.

These are, for example, cookies that are placed to:

  • Display relevant articles on the home page, taking into account the region where you are located;
  • Newsletters that are tailored to your interests;
  • Suggest an article, video or podcast within our websites, applications or newsletters based on articles, videos or podcasts you have previously read, watched or listened to;
  • To measure whether the personalisation of content works properly and is effective.

If you do not accept these cookies, it does not mean that you will see less content. However, the content shown will no longer be adapted to your personal preferences and characteristics and may be less relevant.

You can see the list of Personalised Content cookies here

2.3) Personalised advertising cookies

Advertisements are displayed on our websites and in our applications. These advertisements are placed by Roularta and/or third parties and are a necessary source of income. 

We use these cookies to collect information about, among other things, your activities, interests and visits to our websites or applications. This allows us to tailor the content of our advertisements to your personal preferences and interests. Based on this, we can place you in certain segments, such as for example: woman, age category 30-40 years, ...

In addition, these cookies measure the performance and effectiveness of ads (e.g. was the advertisement fully displayed and did you click on it)We also conduct market research to learn more about the audiences who visit our websites and applications and view our advertisements.

We may use the data collected by these cookies to improve our systems and software and those of our partners, and to develop new online services.

Examples of these advertising cookies are:

  • Advertising cookies that allow us to keep track of how many times an advertisement has been shown and help us ensure that you do not need to see advertisements again;
  • Advertisement cookies that track how many visitors click on the advertisement and thus share its usefulness with the advertiser;
  • Targeted advertising cookies: These ensure that the content of advertising messages and advertisements are adapted to your registered data (e.g. your age, gender, region, marital status) and/or your previous browsing behaviour, whether or not combined with information from other sources;
  • Roularta works together with specialist advertising partners to reach a wider range of advertisers. To this end, these partners place their own cookies on Roularta domains and get access to the target groups that Roularta manages. Please note: Roularta makes sure that these partners do not receive any data from you by which they can directly recognise you, such as your name or e-mail address;
  • Facebook Conversion Pixel (records purchasing behaviour after viewing an advertisement in Facebook. This information is added to the user's Facebook profile).

If you do not accept these cookies, it does not mean that you will see fewer advertisements. However, the ads shown will no longer be tailored to your personal preferences and characteristics and may be less relevant.

The list of Personalised Advertising Cookies can be viewed at here.

2.4) Social media cookies

Social media cookies make it possible to share articles on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

If you do not accept these cookies, we can no longer show embedded content.

You can view the list of social media cookies at here.

6. How long are cookies kept?

The storage period varies from cookie to cookie, but broadly speaking, cookies can be classified into the following two categories according to their storage period:

  • Temporary cookies ("session cookies"): these are cookies that are temporary in nature and are deleted as soon as you close your browser or application;
  • Persistent cookies: these cookies remain on your device even if your browser or (mobile) application is closed. Persistent cookies allow us to recognise you the next time you visit our websites or applications. Persistent cookies remain on your device until a predetermined end date is reached or until you delete them using the settings in your browser, (mobile) application or mobile device.

You can check the storage periods for each cookie in the list of cookies (see link under each category).

7. How can I manage the use of cookies?

We want to give you as much control as possible over the use of cookies via our online services.

Therefore, you can control the use of cookies both through our online services and through your browser.

Via the Roularta online services

When you first visit our online services (on our websites or applications), the cookie settings tool will give you the option of accepting or rejecting specific categories of non-essential cookies. Moreover, you can change these preferences at any time via our cookie settings tool [ Consent choices ]. You will notice that we will use these new cookie settings on your next visit. You can find the link to this tool at the bottom of every page on our websites and applications.

You will see that you will not be able to change the essential cookies. Without these cookies, our websites and applications cannot work properly. These cookies are therefore always set and do not require your consent. You can therefore not refuse or turn them off in the cookie settings tool.

Via the browser

You can also manage or refuse the installation of cookies via your browser settings. Cookies already installed on your device can be deleted at any time. Via the links below you will find more information on how to do this:

If you use another browser, you should check the procedure for managing your cookies in your browser on the website This website exists only in English.

8. Rights

At any time, you can exercise your right to access, rectify, delete or transfer your personal data processed by us, as well as, in certain circumstances, your right to restrict or object, and the right, where applicable, to withdraw your consent.

All these rights are specified in our privacy policy. We will try to meet your request as soon as practically possible, and always within the deadlines provided by the GDPR.

If you have any further questions or wish to know more about our privacy policy or what personal data we collect from you, why we collect this data, how we use it, or your privacy rights, please consult our website privacy policy [ ]. Our Cookie Policy is an integral part of our Privacy Policy. Please read both carefully.

9. Questions or complaints?

If you have any questions or comments about this Cookie Policy or if you have any complaints, you can contact us by e-mail: or by post at: Roularta Media Group (Privacy Office), Meiboomlaan 33, 8800 Roeselare.

You also have the right to complain at any time to the competent supervisory authority. In Belgium, this is the Data Protection Authority (


Drukpersstraat 35

1000 Brussel

Tel: +32 2 274 48 00

10. Changes to our Cookie Policy

We may amend this Cookie Policy from time to time. Any future changes we make to this Cookie Policy will be posted on this page. Please check this page regularly for updates to this Cookie Policy. Your continued use of this website following the posting of changes to the Cookie Policy will constitute your acceptance thereof.

This Cookie Policy was last updated on [23/08/2022].