Lead Generation


Looking for new contacts? Think Lead Generation

Lead generation uses a database of unique profiles with opt-in addresses from Roularta Media. Roularta Business Leads offers advertisers the possibility of acquiring business leads from both the B2B and the B2C segments.

Roularta’s experience and its strong brands, in combination with a ‘content marketing’ based approach, ensures that the advertiser will gather a whole host of potential clients in a quick and efficient manner.


The advantages of Lead Generation:

  • Visibility and brand recognition within the Roularta Media Group target groups
  • Informing interested people (content, tips, magazine, ...)
  • Positioning as an expert in a sector or in relation to a specific theme
  • Being part of an e-letter content
  • Extending your database with interesting and interested profiles
  • Generating concrete and qualitative leads
  • Possibility of generating opt-ins, meetings with clients, offers ...
  • Measurable ROI


Consult this document for more information.

Read more about the general conditions.
