Roularta Media Group Annual Meeting - Regulated information

16 May 2018

On the occasion of the  annual meeting, listed Roularta Media Group confirms that in 2018 an important capital gain will be realised on the sale of the participation in Medialaan. Therefore the board of directors will consider paying out an interim dividend of 5.00 euros gross per share during the second half of the year, based on the distributable profit of the current financial year.
The reference shareholders of the company confirm that they will use the possible distribution of the interim dividend to implement a reorganisation within the reference shareholders, in which Koinon Comm. VA (De Nolf family) will take over a package of shares from West Investment Holding (Claeys family).
It was also announced at the annual meeting that, since the information and consultation phase has been completed at Sanoma, the agreement to take over the weekly magazines Libelle/Femmes d'Aujourd'hui and Flair (Dutch/French), and the magazines Feeling/Gaël, La Maison Victor, Communiekrant, Loving You and She Deals were signed. The websites (including and , line extensions and social media channels of these titles are also part of the deal. Roularta is selling the titles Ik ga Bouwen & Renoveren/Je vais Construire et Rénover to Sanoma. The acquisition of the magazines has been formally notified to the Belgian competition authority. The aim is for all of these activities to be integrated in Roularta during the second half of 2018, and that, in the coming months and years,  the production of these titles and, in addition, a number of Dutch weekly and monthly magazines of Sanoma, will result in full capacity utilisation of Roularta Printing's printing capacity.
The director mandates that ended at the annual meeting were renewed for a period of four years.
The mandate of statutory auditor Deloitte Bedrijfsrevisoren was also renewed.

Contact Xavier Bouckaert
Rik De Nolf
President board of directors
Tel +32 51 26 63 23 +32 51 26 63 23