Decision Makers Survey



Ipsos was commissioned by Trustmedia and Roularta Media to survey 923 top managers in different areas with regard to their consumption of national and international business media. This Decision Makers Survey shows the relevance and the added value of business media in Belgium.

The first section is dedicated to the types of business media used by managers in their professional life. The study also analysed the audience for media brands edited by sponsors and for international business titles. The study also analysed the size of the companies,  type of business media consulted at different times of the day, the responsibilities of the manager, …


The results show that Belgian decision makers are heavy media users (websites and print) in their professional context. They prefer national brands (88% have consumed at least one Belgian Business brand in the past months, international business brands only reach 40% of those decision makers).  They consult the brands via one favourite platform. Only 12% of the decision makers consume both the printed version (or TV) and the website in the same period.

Other interesting results:

  • On average, 73% of respondents consult print brands (newspapers and magazines).
  • An interesting finding is that sales and marketing managers are those who use most various channels for professional purposes (84% print , 82% social media, 40% audiovisual brands and 94% websites).
  • It turns out that daily newspapers are the most popular media in the morning., magazines between 9 a.m. and 14 p.m. and business television in the evening.

Discover here the general results of the Decision Makers Survey. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more details.