Beauty rituals


As the blossoms appeared in the spring of 2015, we checked out the beauty rituals of the readers of Knack Weekend and Le Vif Weekend. 2306 readers took the time to answer our questions, with more women answering than men.

A striking finding nonetheless: 1 in 3 men say that they use a day cream, and 91% use a perfume or eau de toilette.
Amongst the women, nearly all use a day cream (95%) and a perfume or eau de toilette (98%).

As far as perfume is concerned, 1 out of 4 respondents has a favourite brand. On the other hand, 2 out of 3 women who use perfume will use several brands interchangeably. With regard to perfume samples, 81% were pleased to find a sample in a magazine, 74% discovered new fragrances in this way, and 69% actually went on to buy a perfume after having tried out a sample. A good sample of effectiveness it would seem!

8 out of 10 female readers enjoy testing out new foundations.  

These are just a few of the interesting results. Contact us to discover even more.